§ 72-3-109. Division of responsibility with respect to state highways in cities and towns.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the jurisdiction and responsibility of the department and the municipalities for state highways within municipalities is as follows:
    (a) The department has jurisdiction over and is responsible for the construction and maintenance of:
    (i) the portion of the state highway located between the back of the curb on either side of the state highway; or
    (ii) if there is no curb, the traveled way, its contiguous shoulders, and appurtenances.
    (b) The department may widen or improve state highways within municipalities.
    (i) A municipality has jurisdiction over all other portions of the right-of-way and is responsible for construction and maintenance of the right-of-way.
    (ii) If a municipality grants permission for the installation of any pole, pipeline, conduit, sewer, ditch, culvert, billboard, advertising sign, or any other structure or object of any kind or character within the portion of the right-of-way under its jurisdiction:
    (A) the permission shall contain the condition that any installation will be removed from the right-of-way at the request of the municipality; and
    (B) the municipality shall cause any installation to be removed at the request of the department when the department finds the removal necessary:
    (I) to eliminate a hazard to traffic safety;
    (II) for the construction and maintenance of the state highway; or
    (III) to meet the requirements of federal regulations.
    (d) If it is necessary that a utility, as defined in Section 72-6-116, be relocated, reimbursement shall be made for the relocation as provided for in Section 72-6-116.
    (i) The department shall construct curbs, gutters, and sidewalks on the state highways if necessary for the proper control of traffic, driveway entrances, or drainage.
    (ii) If a state highway is widened or altered and existing curbs, gutters, or sidewalks are removed, the department shall replace the curbs, gutters, or sidewalks.
    (f) The department may furnish and install street lighting systems for state highways, but their operation and maintenance is the responsibility of the municipality.
    (g) If new storm sewer facilities are necessary in the construction and maintenance of the state highways, the cost of the storm sewer facilities shall be borne by the state and the municipality in a proportion mutually agreed upon between the department and the municipality.
    (a) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the department shall make rules governing the location and construction of approach roads and driveways entering the state highway. The rules shall:
    (i) include criteria for the design, location, and spacing of approach roads and driveways based on the functional classification of the adjacent highway, including the urban or rural nature of the area;
    (ii) be consistent with the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" and the model access management policy or ordinance developed by the department under Subsection 72-2-117(8);
    (iii) include procedures for:
    (A) the application and review of a permit for approach roads and driveways including review of related site plans that have been recommended according to local ordinances; and
    (B) approving, modifying, denying, or appealing the modification or denial of a permit for approach roads and driveways within 45 days of receipt of the application; and
    (iv) require written justifications for modifying or denying a permit.
    (b) The department may delegate the administration of the rules to the highway authorities of a municipality.
    (c) In accordance with this section and Section 72-7-104, an approach road or driveway may not be constructed on a state highway without a permit issued under this section.
    (3) The department has jurisdiction and control over the entire right-of-way of interstate highways within municipalities and is responsible for the construction, maintenance, and regulation of the interstate highways within municipalities.
Amended by Chapter 303, 2011 General Session